
A team of dedicated doctors specializing in maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) — a branch of obstetrics focused on high-risk pregnancies—along with an expert in medical malpractice defence created Mainstream Health with a single goal: to reduce claims by improving care.

Collectively, our solutions mitigate risks for all concerned: patients, clinicians, and hospitals. We have developed a unique approach, designed explicitly to aid the MFM specialist, the obstetrician, the certified nurse midwife, and the perinatal nurse, with multiple components:

  • Computer-based education modules that provide training in the field’s best practices
  • Electronically delivered task lists and monitoring tools that provide real-time, step-by-step quality assurance assistance in the delivery room
  • Electronically captured data for post-delivery analysis by the delivery facility and for the legal defense of the providers if there is a subsequent lawsuit.

We educate obstetric clinicians using tools that transcend traditional learning techniques; our approach focuses on procedural learning to give doctors and nurses insight and understanding of “best practices” that increase quality for all deliveries and improve patient safety for the inevitable delivery room emergencies. We use electronically delivered task lists customized to each patient’s current clinical status to ensure best practices are consistently followed.

The benefit to mothers and their babies is obvious. But Mainstream Health’s solutions also benefit doctors, hospitals, and insurers by reducing liabilities in the rare event of a bad outcome and a subsequent lawsuit. The Mainstream solution helps avoid claims and defend against malpractice lawsuits, by providing real-time documentation that is a key component of an effective legal defense.

We are combining state-of-the-art perinatal information with today’s information technology to deliver expertise to every doctor and nurse. By giving them the tools to deliver better, more systematic care, we help them save mothers, save babies — and protect themselves against possible legal action.